Easy Installation
The installation of steel roofing may not seem complicated but in actuality, lots of care and considerations needed in order to ensure that the work is done correctly. There are several different techniques home and building owners can use. Here is a quick introduction to two of the most commonly used methods: screw fix and clip fix.

Steel Roofing Installation
As steel roof sheets are relatively flexible, they can be bent into a variety of shapes. Benefits of using steel roof sheets include high consistency in the material, lower cost, and its ability to be used in complex roof installations. One of the key benefits homeowners appreciate is the ease of installation for steel metal roofs. For an existing building, a new roof can be installed within 1-2 days. This helps to reduce the overall cost of using steel roofing as lesser days of work for the contractor means that homeowners are paying less for labour.
The two easy ways to install steel sheets are the screw fix and the clip fix. Steel expands and contracts according to ambient conditions, therefore it is important to pay attention to the installation method.
Screw Fix
Using the screw-fix is a simple, clean, and effective way to complete your roof installation. The screws are punched through the cladding and pierced into the underlying support. Roofing contractors installing your roof will make sure that the screws are not too tight, as they could crack the metal; or too loose, leaving potential space for water to enter.
The most common way to layout steel sheets using this technique is the so-called simple overlap. The side laps of the different steel roofing sheets will be placed on top of each other and are then joined by screws. Depending on the underlying support, be it wood or metal, there are screws of different types and length which roofing contractors will use to secure the sheets.
Clip Fix
A similarly easy way to install your steel roofing is by using the clip fix. The technique allows the metal sheets to be clipped into each other. Unlike the screw-fix method, the clips will not be visible once the roof installation is completed. The clips are covered in between the steel roofing sheets.
Depending on the underlying support structure, roofing contractors may also advise home or building owners to use a clip fix. The clips are first installed and secured in their correct position on the underlying support, followed by the cladding that’s clipped into them. This technique is also commonly used to install steel sheets for walls.
Each approach is equally safe and efficient. But depending on the given structure of the house or roof, contractors may advise homeowners to opt for one or the other approach.
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Longer Life Span
Find out why metal roofing is extremely durable, has a long life span, and can be more environmentally friendly, compared to other roofing materials.
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Better Design
Metal roofing is often lighter compared to other roofing materials. In addition, the malleable nature of metal makes it flexible. As a result, there are fewer structural demands, giving homeowners more design choices for their roofs when using metal roofs.
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